API Reference

This is the class and function reference of PyHHMM.

Please refer to the full user guide for further details, as the class and function raw specifications may not be enough to give full guidelines on their uses.


class pyhhmm.base.BaseHMM(n_states, tr_params='st', init_params='st', init_type='uniform', pi_prior=1.0, A_prior=1.0, learning_rate=0.0, verbose=True)

Bases: object

Base class for the Hidden Markov Models. It allows for training evaluation and sampling from the HMM.

  • n_states (int, optional) – number of hidden states in the model

  • tr_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are updated in the training process. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, and other characters for subclass-specific emission parameters. Defaults to all parameters.

  • init_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are initialised prior to training. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, and other characters for subclass-specific emission parameters. Defaults to all parameters.

  • init_type (str, optional) – controls whether pi and A are initialised from a Dirichlet or a uniform distribution. Defaults to ‘uniform’.

  • pi_prior (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, ) setting the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for the starting probabilities. Defaults to 1.

  • A_prior (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, ), giving the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for each row of the transition probabilities ‘A’. Defaults to 1.

  • pi (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, ) giving the initial state occupation distribution ‘pi’

  • A (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, n_states) giving the matrix of transition probabilities between states

  • learning_rate (float, optional) – a value from [0,1), controlling how much the past values of the model parameters count when computing the new model parameters during training; defaults to 0.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – flag to be set to True if per-iteration convergence reports should be printed. Defaults to True.

decode(obs_sequences, algorithm='viterbi')
Find the best state sequence (path), given the model and an observation.

i.e: max(P(Q|O,model)).

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


log-probability of the produced state sequence

Return type



list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing labels for each observation from obs_sequences obtained via the given decoder algorithm

Return type


forward(obs_seq, B_map=None)

Forward-Backward procedure is used to efficiently calculate the probability of the observations, given the model - P(O|model).

  • obs_seq (array_like) – an observation sequence

  • B_map (array_like, optional) – mapping of the observations’ mass/density Bj(Ot) to Bj(t)


the log of the probability, i.e. the log likehood model, give the observation - logL(model|O).

Return type



Compute the stationary distribution of states. The stationary distribution is proportional to the left-eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue (i.e., 1) of the transition matrix.


the stationary distribution of states

Return type


predict(X, algorithm='viterbi')

Find the most probable state sequence corresponding to X.

  • X (array-like) – feature matrix of individual samples, shape (n_samples, n_features)

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


labels for each sample from X

Return type



Compute the posterior probability for each state in the model.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing the state-membership probabilities for each sample in the observation sequences

Return type


sample(n_sequences=1, n_samples=1, return_states=False)

Generate random samples from the model.

  • n_sequences (int, optional) – number of sequences to generate, defeaults to 1.

  • n_samples (int, optional) – number of samples to generate per sequence; defeaults to 1. If multiple sequences have to be generated, it is a list of the individual sequence lengths

  • return_states (bool, optional) – if True, the method returns the state sequence from which the samples were generated, defeaults to False.


a list containing one or n_sequences sample sequences

Return type



a list containing the state sequences that generated each sample sequence

Return type



Compute the per-sample average log-likelihood of the given data.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


the average of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type



Compute the log-likelihood of each sample.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type


train(obs_sequences, n_init=1, n_iter=100, conv_thresh=0.1, conv_iter=5, ignore_conv_crit=False, plot_log_likelihood=False, no_init=False, n_processes=None, print_every=1)

Updates the HMMs parameters given a new set of observed sequences. The observations can either be a single (1D) array of observed symbols, or a 2D array (matrix), where each row denotes a multivariate time sample (multiple features). The model parameters are reinitialised ‘n_init’ times. For each initialisation the updated model parameters and the log-likelihood is stored and the best model is selected at the end.

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of arrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • n_init (int, optional) – number of initialisations to perform; defaults to 1

  • n_iter (int, optional) – max number of iterations to run for each initialisation; defaults to 100

  • conv_thresh (float, optional) – the threshold for the likelihood increase (convergence); defaults to 0.1

  • conv_iter (int, optional) – number of iterations for which the convergence criteria has to hold before early-stopping; defaults to 5

  • ignore_conv_crit (bool, optional) – flag to indicate whether to iterate until n_iter is reached or perform early-stopping; defaults to False

  • plot_log_likelihood (bool, optional) – parameter to activate plotting the evolution of the log-likelihood after each initialisation; defaults to False

  • no_init (bool, optional) – flag to indicate wheather to initialise the Parameters before training (it can only be True if the parameters are manually set before or they were already trained); defaults to False

  • n_processes (int, optional) – number of processes to use if the training should be performed using parallelisation; defaults to None

  • print_every (int, optional) – if verbose is True, print progress info every ‘print_every’ iterations; defaults to 1


the updated model

Return type



the log_likelihood of the best model

Return type



class pyhhmm.gaussian.GaussianHMM(n_states=1, n_emissions=1, tr_params='stmc', init_params='stmc', covariance_type='diagonal', pi_prior=1.0, A_prior=1.0, means_prior=0, means_weight=0, covars_prior=0.01, covars_weight=1, min_covar=0.001, learning_rate=0.0, verbose=False)

Bases: pyhhmm.base.BaseHMM

Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian emissions.

  • n_states (int, optional) – number of hidden states in the model

  • n_emissions (int, optional) – number of Gaussian features

  • tr_params – controls which parameters are updated in the training process. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, ‘m’ for state means and ‘c’ for covariances. Defaults to all parameters.

  • init_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are initialised prior to training. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, ‘m’ for state means and ‘c’ for covariances. Defaults to all parameters.

  • covariance_type (str, optional) – string describing the type of covariance parameters to use, defaults to ‘full’.

  • pi_prior (np.array, optional) – array of shape (n_states, ) setting the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for the starting probabilities. Defaults to 1.

  • pi (np.array) – array of shape (n_states, ) giving the initial state occupation distribution ‘pi’

  • A_prior (np.array, optional) – array of shape (n_states, ), giving the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for each row of the transition probabilities ‘A’. Defaults to 1.

  • A (np.array) – array of shape (n_states, n_states) giving the matrix of transition probabilities between states

  • means_prior (np.array, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the mean of the Normal prior distribution for the means. Defaults to 0.

  • means_weight (np.array, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the precision of the Normal prior distribution for the means. Defaults to 0.

  • means (np.array) – array of shape (n_states, n_emissions) containing the mean parameters for each state

  • covars_prior (np.array, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the mean of the Normal prior distribution for the covariance matrix. Defaults to 0.

  • covars_weight (np.array, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the precision of the Normal prior distribution for the covariance. Defaults to 0.

  • min_covar (float, optional) – floor on the diagonal of the covariance matrix to prevent overfitting. Defaults to 1e-3.

  • covars (np.array) – covariance parameters for each state arranged in an array of shape depends covariance_type: (n_states, ) if ‘spherical’, (n_states, n_emissions) if ‘diagonal’, (n_states, n_emissions, n_emissions) if ‘full’, (n_emissions, n_emissions) if ‘tied’

  • learning_rate (float, optional) – a value from [0,1), controlling how much the past values of the model parameters count when computing the new model parameters during training; defaults to 0.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – flag to be set to True if per-iteration convergence reports should be printed. Defaults to True.

decode(obs_sequences, algorithm='viterbi')
Find the best state sequence (path), given the model and an observation.

i.e: max(P(Q|O,model)).

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


log-probability of the produced state sequence

Return type



list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing labels for each observation from obs_sequences obtained via the given decoder algorithm

Return type


forward(obs_seq, B_map=None)

Forward-Backward procedure is used to efficiently calculate the probability of the observations, given the model - P(O|model).

  • obs_seq (array_like) – an observation sequence

  • B_map (array_like, optional) – mapping of the observations’ mass/density Bj(Ot) to Bj(t)


the log of the probability, i.e. the log likehood model, give the observation - logL(model|O).

Return type



Return the number of trainable model parameters.


Compute the stationary distribution of states. The stationary distribution is proportional to the left-eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue (i.e., 1) of the transition matrix.


the stationary distribution of states

Return type


predict(X, algorithm='viterbi')

Find the most probable state sequence corresponding to X.

  • X (array-like) – feature matrix of individual samples, shape (n_samples, n_features)

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


labels for each sample from X

Return type



Compute the posterior probability for each state in the model.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing the state-membership probabilities for each sample in the observation sequences

Return type


sample(n_sequences=1, n_samples=1, return_states=False)

Generate random samples from the model.

  • n_sequences (int, optional) – number of sequences to generate, defeaults to 1.

  • n_samples (int, optional) – number of samples to generate per sequence; defeaults to 1. If multiple sequences have to be generated, it is a list of the individual sequence lengths

  • return_states (bool, optional) – if True, the method returns the state sequence from which the samples were generated, defeaults to False.


a list containing one or n_sequences sample sequences

Return type



a list containing the state sequences that generated each sample sequence

Return type



Compute the per-sample average log-likelihood of the given data.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


the average of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type



Compute the log-likelihood of each sample.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type


train(obs_sequences, n_init=1, n_iter=100, conv_thresh=0.1, conv_iter=5, ignore_conv_crit=False, plot_log_likelihood=False, no_init=False, n_processes=None, print_every=1)

Updates the HMMs parameters given a new set of observed sequences. The observations can either be a single (1D) array of observed symbols, or a 2D array (matrix), where each row denotes a multivariate time sample (multiple features). The model parameters are reinitialised ‘n_init’ times. For each initialisation the updated model parameters and the log-likelihood is stored and the best model is selected at the end.

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of arrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • n_init (int, optional) – number of initialisations to perform; defaults to 1

  • n_iter (int, optional) – max number of iterations to run for each initialisation; defaults to 100

  • conv_thresh (float, optional) – the threshold for the likelihood increase (convergence); defaults to 0.1

  • conv_iter (int, optional) – number of iterations for which the convergence criteria has to hold before early-stopping; defaults to 5

  • ignore_conv_crit (bool, optional) – flag to indicate whether to iterate until n_iter is reached or perform early-stopping; defaults to False

  • plot_log_likelihood (bool, optional) – parameter to activate plotting the evolution of the log-likelihood after each initialisation; defaults to False

  • no_init (bool, optional) – flag to indicate wheather to initialise the Parameters before training (it can only be True if the parameters are manually set before or they were already trained); defaults to False

  • n_processes (int, optional) – number of processes to use if the training should be performed using parallelisation; defaults to None

  • print_every (int, optional) – if verbose is True, print progress info every ‘print_every’ iterations; defaults to 1


the updated model

Return type



the log_likelihood of the best model

Return type



class pyhhmm.multinomial.MultinomialHMM(n_states, n_emissions, n_features, tr_params='ste', init_params='ste', init_type='uniform', pi_prior=1.0, A_prior=1.0, missing=nan, nr_no_train_de=0, state_no_train_de=None, learning_rate=0.1, verbose=True)

Bases: pyhhmm.base.BaseHMM

Hidden Markov Model with multiple multinomial (discrete) emissions.

  • n_states (int) – number of hidden states in the model

  • n_emissions (int) – number of distinct observation symbols per state

  • n_features (list) – list of the number of possible observable symbols for each emission

  • tr_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are updated in the training process; can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, and other characters for subclass-specific emission parameters, defaults to ‘ste’

  • init_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are initialised prior to training. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, and other characters for subclass-specific emission parameters, defaults to ‘ste’

  • init_type (str, optional) – name of the initialisation method to use for initialising the start, transition and emission matrices, defaults to ‘random’

  • pi_prior (float or array_like, optional) – float or array of shape (n_states, ) setting the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for ‘pi’, defaults to 1.0

  • pi (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, ) giving the initial state occupation distribution ‘pi’

  • A_prior (float or array_like, optional) – float or array of shape (n_states, n_states), giving the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for each row of the transition probabilities ‘A’, defaults to 1.0

  • A (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, n_states) giving the matrix of transition probabilities between states

  • B (list) – the probabilities of emitting a given symbol when in each state

  • missing (int or np.nan, optional) – a value indicating what character indicates a missed observation in the observation sequences, defaults to np.nan

  • nr_no_train_de (int, optional) – this number indicates the number of discrete emissions whose Matrix Emission Probabilities are fixed and are not trained; it is important to to order the observed variables such that the ones whose emissions aren’t trained are the last ones, defaults to 0

  • state_no_train_de (int, optional) – a state index for nr_no_train_de which shouldn’t be updated; defaults to None, which means that the entire emission probability matrix for that discrete emission will be kept unchanged during training, otherwise the last state_no_train_de states won’t be updated, defaults to None

  • learning_rate (float, optional) – a value from [0,1), controlling how much the past values of the model parameters count when computing the new model parameters during training; defaults to 0.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – flag to be set to True if per-iteration convergence reports should be printed, defaults to True

decode(obs_sequences, algorithm='viterbi')
Find the best state sequence (path), given the model and an observation.

i.e: max(P(Q|O,model)).

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


log-probability of the produced state sequence

Return type



list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing labels for each observation from obs_sequences obtained via the given decoder algorithm

Return type


forward(obs_seq, B_map=None)

Forward-Backward procedure is used to efficiently calculate the probability of the observations, given the model - P(O|model).

  • obs_seq (array_like) – an observation sequence

  • B_map (array_like, optional) – mapping of the observations’ mass/density Bj(Ot) to Bj(t)


the log of the probability, i.e. the log likehood model, give the observation - logL(model|O).

Return type



Return a mapping of trainable model parameters names (as in self.tr_params) to the number of corresponding scalar parameters that will actually be fitted.


Compute the stationary distribution of states. The stationary distribution is proportional to the left-eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue (i.e., 1) of the transition matrix.


the stationary distribution of states

Return type


property missing

Getter for the missing value character in the data.

predict(X, algorithm='viterbi')

Find the most probable state sequence corresponding to X.

  • X (array-like) – feature matrix of individual samples, shape (n_samples, n_features)

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


labels for each sample from X

Return type



Compute the posterior probability for each state in the model.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing the state-membership probabilities for each sample in the observation sequences

Return type


sample(n_sequences=1, n_samples=1, return_states=False)

Generate random samples from the model.

  • n_sequences (int, optional) – number of sequences to generate, defeaults to 1.

  • n_samples (int, optional) – number of samples to generate per sequence; defeaults to 1. If multiple sequences have to be generated, it is a list of the individual sequence lengths

  • return_states (bool, optional) – if True, the method returns the state sequence from which the samples were generated, defeaults to False.


a list containing one or n_sequences sample sequences

Return type



a list containing the state sequences that generated each sample sequence

Return type



Compute the per-sample average log-likelihood of the given data.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


the average of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type



Compute the log-likelihood of each sample.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type


train(obs_sequences, n_init=1, n_iter=100, conv_thresh=0.1, conv_iter=5, ignore_conv_crit=False, plot_log_likelihood=False, no_init=False, n_processes=None, print_every=1)

Updates the HMMs parameters given a new set of observed sequences. The observations can either be a single (1D) array of observed symbols, or a 2D array (matrix), where each row denotes a multivariate time sample (multiple features). The model parameters are reinitialised ‘n_init’ times. For each initialisation the updated model parameters and the log-likelihood is stored and the best model is selected at the end.

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of arrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • n_init (int, optional) – number of initialisations to perform; defaults to 1

  • n_iter (int, optional) – max number of iterations to run for each initialisation; defaults to 100

  • conv_thresh (float, optional) – the threshold for the likelihood increase (convergence); defaults to 0.1

  • conv_iter (int, optional) – number of iterations for which the convergence criteria has to hold before early-stopping; defaults to 5

  • ignore_conv_crit (bool, optional) – flag to indicate whether to iterate until n_iter is reached or perform early-stopping; defaults to False

  • plot_log_likelihood (bool, optional) – parameter to activate plotting the evolution of the log-likelihood after each initialisation; defaults to False

  • no_init (bool, optional) – flag to indicate wheather to initialise the Parameters before training (it can only be True if the parameters are manually set before or they were already trained); defaults to False

  • n_processes (int, optional) – number of processes to use if the training should be performed using parallelisation; defaults to None

  • print_every (int, optional) – if verbose is True, print progress info every ‘print_every’ iterations; defaults to 1


the updated model

Return type



the log_likelihood of the best model

Return type



class pyhhmm.heterogeneous.HeterogeneousHMM(n_states, n_g_emissions, n_d_emissions, n_d_features, tr_params='stmce', init_params='stmce', nr_no_train_de=0, state_no_train_de=None, covariance_type='diagonal', pi_prior=1.0, A_prior=1.0, means_prior=0, means_weight=0, covars_prior=0.01, covars_weight=1, min_covar=0.001, learning_rate=0, verbose=False)

Bases: pyhhmm.base.BaseHMM

Implementation of HMM with labels. It can manage Gaussian and categorical features.

  • n_states (int) – number of hidden states in the model

  • n_g_emissions (int) – number of Gaussian features

  • n_d_emissions (int) – number of categorical features

  • n_d_features (list) – number of distinct observation symbols per state

  • tr_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are updated in thetraining process; can contain any combination of ‘s’ for startingprobabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, and other charactersfor subclass-specific emission parameters, defaults to ‘stmce’

  • init_params (str, optional) – controls which parameters are initialised prior to training. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for starting probabilities (pi), ‘t’ for transition matrix, and other characters for subclass-specific emission parameters, defaults to ‘stmce’

  • nr_no_train_de (int, optional) – this number indicates the number of discrete emissions whose Matrix Emission Probabilities are fixed and are not trained; it is important to to order the observed variables such that the ones whose emissions aren’t trained are the last ones, defaults to 0

  • state_no_train_de (int, optional) – a state index for nr_no_train_de which shouldn’t be updated; defaults to None, which means that the entire emission probability matrix for that discrete emission will be kept unchanged during training, otherwise the last state_no_train_de states won’t be updated, defaults to None

  • covariance_type (str, optional) – string describing the type of covariance parameters to use. Defaults to ‘full’.

  • pi_prior (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, ) setting the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for the starting probabilities. Defaults to 1.

  • pi (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, ) giving the initial state occupation distribution ‘pi’

  • A_prior (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, ), giving the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution for each row of the transition probabilities ‘A’. Defaults to 1.

  • A (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, n_states) giving the matrix of transition probabilities between states

  • B (list) – the probabilities of emitting a given discrete symbol when in each state

  • means_prior (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the mean of the Normal prior distribution for the means. Defaults to 0.

  • means_weight (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the precision of the Normal prior distribution for the means. Defaults to 0.

  • means (array_like) – array of shape (n_states, n_emissions) containing the mean parameters for each state

  • covars_prior (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the mean of the Normal prior distribution for the covariance matrix. Defaults to 0.

  • covars_weight (array_like, optional) – array of shape (n_states, 1), the precision of the Normal prior distribution for the covariance. Defaults to 0.

  • min_covar (float, optional) – floor on the diagonal of the covariance matrix to prevent overfitting. Defaults to 1e-3.

  • covars (array_like) – covariance parameters for each state arranged in an array of shape depends covariance_type.

  • learning_rate (float, optional) – a value from [0,1), controlling how much the past values of the model parameters count when computing the new model parameters during training; defaults to 0.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – flag to be set to True if per-iteration convergence reports should be printed, defaults to True

decode(obs_sequences, algorithm='viterbi')
Find the best state sequence (path), given the model and an observation.

i.e: max(P(Q|O,model)).

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


log-probability of the produced state sequence

Return type



list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing labels for each observation from obs_sequences obtained via the given decoder algorithm

Return type


forward(obs_seq, B_map=None)

Forward-Backward procedure is used to efficiently calculate the probability of the observations, given the model - P(O|model).

  • obs_seq (array_like) – an observation sequence

  • B_map (array_like, optional) – mapping of the observations’ mass/density Bj(Ot) to Bj(t)


the log of the probability, i.e. the log likehood model, give the observation - logL(model|O).

Return type



Return a dictionary containing the number of trainable variables for each model parameter.


Compute the stationary distribution of states. The stationary distribution is proportional to the left-eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue (i.e., 1) of the transition matrix.


the stationary distribution of states

Return type


predict(X, algorithm='viterbi')

Find the most probable state sequence corresponding to X.

  • X (array-like) – feature matrix of individual samples, shape (n_samples, n_features)

  • algorithm (string, optional) – name of the decoder algorithm to use; must be one of ‘viterbi’ or ‘map’. Defaults to ‘viterbi’.


labels for each sample from X

Return type



Compute the posterior probability for each state in the model.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of arrays of shape (n_samples, n_states) containing the state-membership probabilities for each sample in the observation sequences

Return type


sample(n_sequences=1, n_samples=1, return_states=False)

Generate random samples from the model.

  • n_sequences (int, optional) – number of sequences to generate, defeaults to 1.

  • n_samples (int, optional) – number of samples to generate per sequence; defeaults to 1. If multiple sequences have to be generated, it is a list of the individual sequence lengths

  • return_states (bool, optional) – if True, the method returns the state sequence from which the samples were generated, defeaults to False.


a list containing one or n_sequences sample sequences

Return type



a list containing the state sequences that generated each sample sequence

Return type



Compute the per-sample average log-likelihood of the given data.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


the average of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type



Compute the log-likelihood of each sample.


obs_sequences (list) – a list of ndarrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths


list of log-likelihoods over all the observation sequences

Return type


train(obs_sequences, n_init=1, n_iter=100, conv_thresh=0.1, conv_iter=5, ignore_conv_crit=False, plot_log_likelihood=False, no_init=False, n_processes=None, print_every=1)

Updates the HMMs parameters given a new set of observed sequences. The observations can either be a single (1D) array of observed symbols, or a 2D array (matrix), where each row denotes a multivariate time sample (multiple features). The model parameters are reinitialised ‘n_init’ times. For each initialisation the updated model parameters and the log-likelihood is stored and the best model is selected at the end.

  • obs_sequences (list) – a list of arrays containing the observation sequences of different lengths

  • n_init (int, optional) – number of initialisations to perform; defaults to 1

  • n_iter (int, optional) – max number of iterations to run for each initialisation; defaults to 100

  • conv_thresh (float, optional) – the threshold for the likelihood increase (convergence); defaults to 0.1

  • conv_iter (int, optional) – number of iterations for which the convergence criteria has to hold before early-stopping; defaults to 5

  • ignore_conv_crit (bool, optional) – flag to indicate whether to iterate until n_iter is reached or perform early-stopping; defaults to False

  • plot_log_likelihood (bool, optional) – parameter to activate plotting the evolution of the log-likelihood after each initialisation; defaults to False

  • no_init (bool, optional) – flag to indicate wheather to initialise the Parameters before training (it can only be True if the parameters are manually set before or they were already trained); defaults to False

  • n_processes (int, optional) – number of processes to use if the training should be performed using parallelisation; defaults to None

  • print_every (int, optional) – if verbose is True, print progress info every ‘print_every’ iterations; defaults to 1


the updated model

Return type



the log_likelihood of the best model

Return type



pyhhmm.utils.aic_hmm(log_likelihood, dof)

Function to compute the Aikaike’s information criterion for an HMM given the log-likelihood of observations.

  • log_likelihood (float) – logarithmised likelihood of the model dof (int) - single numeric value representing the number of trainable parameters of the model

  • dof (int) – single numeric value representing the number of trainable parameters of the model


the Aikaike’s information criterion

Return type


pyhhmm.utils.bic_hmm(log_likelihood, dof, n_samples)

Function to compute Bayesian information criterion for an HMM given a the log-likelihood of observations.

  • log_likelihood (float) – logarithmised likelihood of the model dof (int) - single numeric value representing the number of trainable parameters of the model

  • dof (int) – single numeric value representing the number of trainable parameters of the model

  • n_samples (int) – length of the time-series of observations


the Bayesian information criterion

Return type



Function to compute the degrees of freedom of a HMM based on the parameters that are trained in it.


hmm (object) – a hidden Markov model (GaussianHMM, MultinomialHMM, etc)


single numeric value representing the number of trainable parameters of the model

Return type



Function to load an HMM model from a pickle file.


filename (str) – full path or just file name where to save the variable


the trained HMM that was in the file

Return type


pyhhmm.utils.plot_decode(obs_seq, data_cols, state_seq, discrete_columns=None, state_names=None, time_stamps=None, figsize=10, 20, filename=None)

Function for plotting the decoded sequence with the corresponding states.

  • obs_seq (array_like) – an observation sequence

  • data_cols (list) – name of (Gaussian) data columns (name of each column)

  • state_seq (list) – the decoded state sequence

  • discrete_columns (list, optional) – only in case of HMM with labels, the list of label names, defaults to None

  • state_names (list, optional) – list of state names, only if applicable, defaults to None

  • time_stamps ([list, optional) – list of time_stamps when the observations where recorded (if applicable, otherwise discrete values are applied, starting of 0 to len(state_seq)), defaults to None

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – size of the plot, defaults to (10, 20)

  • filename (str, optional) – full path with figure name if it should be saved, defaults to None

pyhhmm.utils.plot_model_selection(n_states, criteria, filename=None)

Function to plot the different model order selection criteria vs the number of states of a HMM.

  • n_states (list) – list of number of states that were used to compute the criteria

  • criteria (dict) – the keys correspond to the different criteria that were computed (AIC, BIC, etc) and the values are a list of length len(n_states) containing the criteria values for the different number of states

  • filename (string, optional) – full path to where to save the figure, defaults to None

pyhhmm.utils.pretty_print_hmm(model, hmm_type='Multinomial', states=None, emissions=None)

Function to pretty print the parameters of an hmm model.

  • model (object) – and HMM object

  • hmm_type (str, optional) – the type of the HMM model; can be ‘Multinomial’, ‘Gaussian’ or ‘Heterogeneous’, defaults to ‘Multinomial’

  • states (list, optional) – list with the name of states, if any, defaults to None

  • emissions (list, optional) – list of the names of the emissions, if any, defaults to None

pyhhmm.utils.save_model(model, filename)

Function to save an hmm model (or any variable) to a pickle file.

  • model (object) – the trained HMM to be saved

  • filename (str) – full path or just file name where to save the variable